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What? Why?

Brain exercises are an effective way to strengthen your memory

As we age, remembering new information becomes more difficult, concentration becomes impaired, and the desire to learn new things fades. Often people write these problems off to age without taking any action. Some people don't even consider it a problem.

Regular exercise is effective both when you are young and when you are older. Mental exercises that do not require physical effort are safe and beneficial.

Exercises to train the brain

The Stroop test

The standard Stroop test consists of a series of cards on which words of different colors are written. The test taker's task is to name the color of the words without reading the word itself. For example, the word "blue" may be written in red, and the test taker must say "red".

The difficulty is that your brain will resist and try to just read the words. It's easier for it to do so, but you don't give up, because it's a workout!

Schulte table

The Schulte Tables are a puzzle to improve peripheral vision, concentration and the ability to absorb information in parallel. The development of these skills contributes to the mastery of speed reading. The basic idea is that in a square field with numbers, you have to quickly find the values in a certain sequence, focusing your eyes on the center point.

Find the differences

Find the Differences is useful for developing attention, concentration and visual memory. It helps to improve peripheral vision and learn to quickly find small details in images. In addition, the game trains logical thinking and analytical skills, as you need not only to find differences, but also to explain their cause.

More exercises to keep your mind clear!